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About US

Pastor Mary R. Ealy

Our Church History

Puritan Street church of Christ, Inc., began in the summer of 1977 in the living room of 19318 Monte Vista. On November 19, 1979, we moved into a small storefront building at 7406 Puritan Street. On April 26, 1981, Rev. Sidney Griffin preached and opened the doors of the church and nine
people joined.

On August 30, 1981, we had our first baptismal service at Belle Isle. Pastor Mary R. Ealy was licensed and ordained to preach the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on October 25, 1981.

In order to accommodate our growing congregation, on March 29, 1982, we purchased the church along with the house next door at 20222 Albany. Approximately five years later, we purchased two buildings and a house on Conant Street. Soon after, we renovated the larger building and it became our new church home.

Our Missions Throughout the World

Over the years, we have been blessed enough to spread the gospel all over the world via
our radio and television broadcasts. From these broadcasts, many, many souls have been saved. Our Missionary Ministry has allowed us to bless people in the United States as well as across the world. We have provided food, clothing, money, bibles and many other items to people in Bosnia, Jamaica, Africa, Mexico, Uganda, Russia, Haiti and India.

We sent boxes of clothes to the Indians in South Dakota and two 24-foot U-Haul truck with supplies to Mississippi. We also dug a well in Africa and one well in Ethiopia. We also built two churches in Ethiopia, as well as gave 38 people a year’s salary, and gave items to the school, hospital and prison. We helped fill a 40-foot container for Ethiopia. We have a food mission every other Thursday.

We have sent a total of eleven 40-foot containers and 25 barrels to Ghana, Togo, Nigeria and Liberia. We paid $2,500 to put a top on a school in Liberia. We also have one church in Ghana. We paid for two wells in the Volta Region, paid $9,000 for a foundation for a school, started a chicken farm, sent 85 children to school, brought 22 children out of slavery and paid for them to go to a top school. We also gave their parents money to start a business. There are a lot of hungry people in Africa. 

The Lord has truly blessed us. We built our new home in October of 1999. Praise God! We held our first service in our new church on July 9, 2000. We had our celebration on August 20, 2000. God is good and worthy to be praised. 
Hallelujah, to God be the Glory!


In 1980 Missionary F. Smith suffering from endometriosis was unable to get pregnant. Pastor Mary Ealy spoke Matthew 6:33 to her." But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." After speaking the Holy scripture Pastor Ealy prayed and she got pregnant. During her pregnancy she was hemorrhaging, and it was a miracle that the fetus remained intact. In May 1981 she delivered her only child a 10lb. boy.
F. Smith
in 1979 Pastor Mary Ealy asked her congregation if there were anyone who wanted to get marry? She asked us to get into the prayer line. I got into the prayer line and she prayed over me. In 1980 my former boyfriend who I had not seen in 3 years, came back in my life. I asked him to re-dedicated his life to Jesus Christ. He did, both of his grandfathers were ministers. He started going to church twice a week and we married 8 months later. Our daughter was baptized at Puritan Street Church of Christ by Pastor Early. In 1989, our son's Christening service was held 6 years later at Puritan Street Church of Christ. We have been married 43 years.
Evangelist C. Brown

The Great Commission

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father. and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you : and, lo, I am  with you alway, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.”

(Matthew 28:19,20)